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Is it good to book a shoot when the weather forecast says its going to be really sunny ?

Kate from Picpaps

That's an interesting one and is a common question. Bright sunlight can be a nightmare for many photographers as the subject will often squint and we, the photographer, get glare off the lens : the sun can cause ugly shadows on the subjects face too if they are not positioned absolutely correctly ie your photographer really needs to know what he is doing . We have meticulously picked 10 locations on the route that are away from any direct bright sunlight and will avoid all of the above complications . If a photographer says he is going to use flash at your shoot to compensate for the shadows the sun creates, it simply is not good enough as flash is very often too harsh for daylight conditions and generally creates a "hard" image that is in the most part in our experience, unflattering to the subject. We are experts in using natural available daylight to create the very best images for our customers and would never use flash . So to summarize, go ahead and book if its says bright sunlight or overcast : either weather condition has no bearing on the quality of the shots and your results will be pristine and consistent and to your liking ,as in every Picpaps shoot we carry out.

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